“Capture with your heart”

Posts tagged “clibrate

What you have missed all this time.

As professional accuracy of colors to my pictures means a lot to me.

As professional accuracy of colors to my pictures means a lot to me.

With Sypder 5 adjustment

Click on picture to view bigger image in details

I have just gotten my Spyder 5 yesterday. This is essential for me to get all my picture’s colors correctly processed. Most photographers missed out this important process in their digital workflow. For some of the friends may not know what this is… Spyder is a color calibrating device, we use it to calibrate our Screen/ Monitor so that we know that black is black and white is white and all other colors are accurate and when I send my work for print, I know the color is correct and accurate.

1. Every computer screen looks different, so who is correct?

2. Before you process your images, ask yourself this question, is my screen/ monitor accurate?

3. Does my printer color setting has the same color as my computer screen?

There are countless time when I checked other photographers work on Facebook, I saw many of you having the wrong color temperature in your image and some even underexpose (perhaps you like to dim your screen), and for those who love HDR, OMG!

We must realized in the old days, we left the color accuracy to the lap like RGB print shop or photo lap and color accuracy is from the film selected. We already know what kind of film produces what kind of result, like if we want something cool we usually use Fuji film and if we like warm we will go for Kodak and if we have no money… Whatever is cheapest will help LOL its like taking drugs!!! Hahaha.

These film companies and lab, they are professionals but their job has been replaced in this digital edge. So who is doing their job now? YOU! For those who shoot RAW, you need to know if you process your own images.

Basically with Spyder, I am able to fully utilized my screen with accurate calibration of good contrast and correct color temperature. Hope you guys fine this info helpful to you.

Every photographer needs to get one to process their work in this digital edge.

Let me know if you have any question. I will be glad to help 🙂

Read more: http://spyder.datacolor.com/spyder5-video/

Photo: Alex Soh, Copyrights © Alex Soh Photography. @NikonSG @NikonAsia @Nikon_insta#alexsohphotography #nikonambassador #Spyder#Datacolor @CathayPhoto #coloraccuracy #calibration#colorcalibration